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Evergreen Real Estate Partners Acquires Japan’s Largest Self Storage Company - Mini Storage Messenger

Written by MiniCo | Sep 26, 2013 4:00:00 AM

Evergreen Real Estate Partners Acquires Japan’s Largest Self Storage Company

Evergreen Real Estate Partners LLC (“Evergreen”) acquired Japan’s largest self storage company, Quraz, including 100% of the shares in the operating company and trust beneficiary interests for all self storage properties. Evergreen’s objectives include growing the network of Quraz locations and increasing awareness of self storage in Japan. In connection with the acquisition, Evergreen secured JPY20 billion non-recourse, long-term debt financing from Prudential Mortgage Asset Holdings 1 Japan Investment Business Limited Partnership, which is a part of the Prudential Financial Inc. Group– believed to be the first such financing in the self storage sector in Japan. About Quraz Quraz, headquartered in Tokyo, is Japan’s largest self storage owner/operator with nearly 29,000 self storage units across 48 locations in 10 cities from Sapporo to Fukuoka, including 35 stores in Greater Tokyo※1. Quraz has ranked #1 among Japanese self storage operators by the Oricon Consumer Survey for the past four consecutive years in the categories of brand recognition, customer satisfaction and value. Quraz has 185 employees serving its residential and commercial customers. The existing senior management team, led by Steve Spohn, has remained in-place in connection with Evergreen’s acquisition. For more inormation, please visit: (via Quraz)]]>