Consider these two processes when approaching the busy season:
- Balance the type of tenants you are leasing to.
- Successfully manage your response time to all incoming leads.
The busy rental season can quickly put a facility into “reaction mode,” causing a sink or swim response to rentals. So before getting on the busy season “treadmill,” consider these strategies for your long-term growth!
Commercial vs. Residential Tenants
Current industry statistics show us that the average commercial tenant is worth roughly $2,000 more than the average residential tenant. The average rent is higher ($135 vs. $75) and the average commercial tenant stay is longer (24 months vs. 11 months) for a residential tenant. Year-round, operators should have a strategy in place for moving in two or three new commercial tenants each month—and this includes during the busy season! These are the months that will make your occupancy look a lot better when the fall and winter months roll around.