FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Temple, GA & Scottsdale, AZ – August 17, 2015) Janus International Group, LLC and PTI Security Systems (PTI) announced a joint marketing and support agreement. Under the terms of the agreement, Janus International and PTI are working together to promote and integrate each other’s products and services to the Self Storage industry.
Janus International will be responsible for the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, sell, support and warrant individual self storage door locking solutions. PTI will be responsible for same logistical aspects for the control and security solutions focused on the entire self storage facility. Together they will collaborate on the design, development and integration of the products from both companies to provide a complete product and service solution providing a secure interior (inside-the- door) electronic lock, automated overlocking, and continuously monitored security and access control to individual self storage units. The locking solution will integrate seamlessly with PTI Security Systems industry leading access control and security solutions.
Regarding the agreement, David Curtis, President of Janus International remarked “we are delighted to put this agreement in place with PTI Security Systems. From our perspective, the key to providing a superior door locking solution, is to be able to integrate and leverage the expertise, hardware and software solutions and market share that PTI Security Systems has demonstrated and obtained in the self storage access control and security arena with the expertise and experience Janus International has with self storage door solutions. Ultimately, the self storage owner/operator and their tenants will both benefit from this relationship”.
Lance Comstock, President & CEO of PTI Security Systems noted “With our respective market coverage, market share domination and expertise, this agreement allows us to collaborate and focus on creating great individual door locking and access control solutions that are not found in the industry today. As the industry leader in doors and hallway systems, Janus International clearly understands and provides great door solutions, which coupled with our industry leading access control and security solutions gives us and our mutual customers a big advantage”.
### About Janus International Janus International is the leading worldwide manufacturer and supplier of roll-up and swing doors, hallway systems and re-locatable storage units for the self storage industry. Based in Temple, GA, Janus International has six U.S. locations, three locations in Europe, one location in South Africa, a joint venture with GMI – IntraJanus, in Mexico, and a location in Brazil opening late 2015. For more information please visit our website at www.JanusIntl.com or call (866) 562-2580. About PTI Security Systems With over 25,000 installations in 30+ countries over the past 30 years, PTI Security Systems has made their name in and are wholly dedicated to the self storage market. PTI based in Scottsdale, AZ, with sales office in Asheville, NC and international partners in Europe, Australia/New Zealand, and Asia provides self storage solutions for access control, mobile apps, door alarms and site graphics. For more information please visit our website at www.PTISecurity.com or call (800) 523-9504.