OpenTech Helps Storage Managers Rent over 130,000 Units in 2015
OpenTech Alliance recently announced the release of the 2016 Self Storage Technology White Paper. According to the report, storage unit rentals through the INSOMNIAC™ platform eclipsed 130,000 units in 2015. OpenTech’s portfolio of customers yielded an estimated $140 million in new sales over 2015 using the company’s automated solutions.- 49,966 move-ins were completed thru INSOMNIAC self-service kiosks.
- 76,832 move-ins were completed thru the OpenTech Call Center (INSOMNIAC Live!).
- 5,682 rentals were captured via INSOMNIAC Online.
- In addition, the kiosk, call center and online solutions assisted store managers in collecting a grand total of 609,649 automated customer payments (over 1.9 million self storage transactions in 2015).
This is the 8th year OpenTech will be demonstrating their core value of transparency by sharing their transaction data with the industry. The White Paper includes ongoing self storage business trends, customer case studies, and several valuable illustrations used to highlight key points for consideration.
What you’ll learn from this research:
- Analyze the objectives storage owners are able to achieve by integrating self-service sales & service channels into their operation.
- Kiosk comparisons for benchmarking individual results to all kiosks installed provides an in-depth look at how your onsite technology is performing.
- Data on the AASR (Average Annual Sales Return) of OpenTech products will reveal how self storage owners can evaluate efficiencies and returns on investing in self-service technology.
- Comprehensive call center data and the conversion rates of store managers.
- Case Studies about operators who are bundling INSOMNIAC solutions to impact facility valuation.
- Discover the strategies other storage businesses have put in place to attract new renters and see just how far their business processes have evolved.
The complete 2016 Self Service Technology White Paper is available for free download at the company website or by clicking here (link https://opentechalliance.com/white-paper/).