Peak Season is Coming: Expand Your Facility with Relocatable Units

Posted by Boxwell on Feb 2, 2024 9:00:00 AM

The Storage Industry At A Glance


On average, 26 million Americans move each year, with 60 percent of those

moves occurring from April through September. This year’s peak season is quickly

approaching–are you prepared for this increase in storage demand?


Despite 2023 having a record low relocation rate, rental rates are still 8.7 percent

above pre-pandemic levels (StoragePug). The relocation decline can be attributed

to a combination of factors, including inflation and housing affordability. That

being said, storage will continue it’s steady incline as we move through these

challenges. Currently, the storage industry is projected to grow by $30 billion

through the year 2027.


If your facility is nearing capacity, don’t worry. You still have time to expand using

relocatable units before the 2024 peak season arrives.


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Why Expand Using Relocatable Units?


Relocatables are fully custom, easy to install, highly cost effective, and operate just

like a traditional drive-up storage building.


These portable units offer the best of both worlds; they allow facilities to grow at

a record pace while maintaining durability, strength, and longevity. In other

words, a facility does not need to sacrifice quality for speed.


They are not anchored to the ground and can easily be moved via forklift (even

when fully loaded). Because of this, relocatables typically work in situations where

traditional buildings do not. Easements, setbacks, fencelines, site perimeters, and

parking lots are all good candidates for expansion.


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Timing is Everything


Securing relocatables in advance guarantees an array of options for your clients.

So, how do you prepare for peak moving season?


Take Inventory. Assess the number of rented storage units at your facility. Are

you at or near capacity? It may be time to raise rates and add more rentable units.


Scan For Underutilized Space. Identify opportunities to utilize your land more

effectively. There could be a sizable amount of untapped potential.


Maintain Current Units. While you’re taking inventory, conduct thorough maintenance checks on your existing storage units. Ensure that all units are clean,

secure, and in optimal condition for customer use.


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Now Is The Time To Invest In Your Business


Relocatables are fully custom and made-to-order. Don’t wait! Now is the time to

receive a site layout, design your custom units, and place an order.

This year, service your community and build your business with relocatable units.


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