How can such a diverse collection of business models, financial setups, physical lay-outs, and operational systems par- ticipate in an effort to revolutionize the customer experience? you could end up with so many hundreds of programs aimed at the same customers, creating such confusion that everybody loses. Moreover, in an effort to improve occupancies and improve rentals, just the opposite might occur.
Training managers—especially focusing on structured and substantial sales and opera- tions training for managers—is getting serious consideration as one way to overcome sluggish rentals, revenues, and occupancy performance across the board. this could be revolutionary since many organizations, when faced with tough environments, reduce edu- cational funding.
A Unified Approach
What if there was a unified approach or a common goal to the manager’s training? a process that, no matter how large or small the self-storage operation, every business could replicate the key components of a suc- cessful sales and operational training plan. there are four components that truly could help “revolutionize” the customer experience and everyone in the self-storage industry wins when they happen.